#69 Uhaul

Back to FFT Blog #69 UHAUL I’m telling you, the minute I get my debt paid off, I’m going to… As soon as I get my money right… By next year I will decide to… I am going to pray on it and then make the choice… Let me read a […]
Back to FFT Blog #69 UHAUL I’m telling you, the minute I get my debt paid off, I’m going to… As soon as I get my money right… By next year I will decide to… I am going to pray on it and then make the choice… Let me read a […]
Back to FFT Blog #68 HANDS FREE I appreciate it. You didn’t have to. Thank you. It meant a lot. I can’t thank you enough. That’s very kind of you… You’re welcome. My pleasure. Anytime… Maya Angelou stated, “I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands.” […]
Back to FFT Blog #67 BUNDLED COVERAGE A multitude of things can be accomplished alone. Consider the Late Prince, he made a cassette tape demo that was played for an A&R, who initially thought it was a band playing; little did he know all the instruments played and vocals sung were by one person, […]
Back to FFT Blog #66 MAN IN THE MIRROR Development exists when one is self-aware of their lack. Not having, is not permanent, when one decides he or she has had enough. Too much month at the end of the money?… YouTube has plenty of free sales techniques, seminars, and interviews for knowledge enhancement. […]
Back to FFT Blog #65 SHOE DOG MILLIONAIRE At the current moment, there are many employers with limited help, due to the fact that former employees are getting paid more, not to work. Finding help is already challenging to say the least, let alone if workers are not presenting themselves as an option. “Well, owners/bosses should pay […]
Back to FFT Blog #64 GENESIS 1:31 The world is dark. We are all broken and no one is exempt. One slip in a moment and the trajectory of life can sway in a different direction, unplanned. Personally I have had moments. Moments I can look back at now as an adult, and know, I […]
Back to FFT Blog #63 JIMMY MCCLAIN How bad do you really love it? … It’s going to test you. The journey of the hero becomes a three step adventure, summoned to those who must go at it alone. A metamorphosis; transferring the novice into the scholar. If accepted, the voyage must separate you from your […]
Back to FFT Blog #62 SKILLED EXPECTATION The talent(s) are given, not earned. Some have plenty, some few… So what do we do when we are given limited minutes in the game; the walk-on spot, not the scholarship; the book and clock gig instead of running the gym; five hundred a month rather than fifty […]
Back to FFT Blog #61 MR HAVISHAM And the Lord God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” By definition standards, it means ‘of equivalent quality’, ‘worthy of comparison’. Somewhere along the line of generations, the patriarchs of society decided […]
Back to FFT Blog #60 THE ODYSSEY They wanted to “make it”. The Beatles level. However, they were more of an insect beetle than the musical stars that invaded the USA. The year was 1965, they were booed by the crowd non stop, along with patrons throwing tomatoes, beer bottles and other debris until […]