Even though it’s a mythological creature, the Sphinx is a countenance that leaves numerous evaluating their appearances from lax-loose, into a larger than life ‘force of nature’.


There is nothing wrong with emulating the fashion or outward presentation of Mark Zuckerberg or the late Steve Jobs, however, let me remind us of the late Karl Lagerfeld.  A man, who’s aura produced proctor-testing silence; seas of people following him shadow-like as cameras snapped, illuminating the background he was in.  Like the Sphinx, onlookers watched this ‘force of nature,’ his ambience…


Our ‘countenance’ reveals a great deal about us and our everyday decision making.  Many of us know that a consumption of proper proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and water are essential tools needed for an overflow of useful effects, pleasing flesh and youthfulness.  However, too often we negate our responsibilities beyond inputting nutrients by way of mouth and neglect all three trigon points (mouth, ears, eyes) for a good healthy condition, expressively.  Whether the artist(s) who crafted the Sphinx or Karl knew it or not, Physiognomy more times than not, holds true and should not be taken lightly.  Our ears, eyes and mouth have a communicative digestive system that must be sacred, similar to the food we eat.


What positive nutrients are we feeding our ears… our eyes… and speaking from our mouth?  Gossip, offensive music, verbal or non-verbal language that destroys, violence and erotica art… Or are we inputting nutrients that inclines ourselves and others into prosperity, enlightenment, life-serving humility, power transferring affirmations of winsome?


One does not have to be ‘woke’ to grasp; what enters, eventually exits out – good or bad, by some way or another.


Stay lifted,


Lucky Lefty