Children teach us so much…


Wearing the same uniform doesn’t make us teammates.  Trust me, I have been on some teams that lacked fundamental harmony. Those squads erupted with rivalries, jealousy, envy and resentment, leaving the atmosphere arduous at best.


And although my vernacular pertains to sport, the family unit must be on one accord to create positive unison, the same as a winning locker room.


CairoCapri Imani Brown has been a new addition to our group.  Without proper guidance, she could have become our son’s (Mancini El – Amin) rival – if we did not develop this love-partnership mentality, opposite of what I previously stated.


BoomBoom is so proud to share with others, his sister. While I watch the process of their love cultivate for one another I question; who is teaching who?


If you are a parent you can attest, if not – observe… we learn from children as much as they learn from us.


Stay lifted, 


Lucky Lefty


If you haven’t yet seen the latest Food For Thought Series, head over to our YouTube channel to check it out now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxcFJJHf_M4&list=PL0HXXQBN0_C9kVrsI9uYpX24MmeGwq4tD&index=7