12 Rules for Life

Jordan B. Peterson
Jordan B. Peterson
Back to FFT Blog #118 TACTICAL ACTION “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” You can lose them all. Sure thing… I guess. Or… Acquire Navy Seal tactic skills and guard the basket like a ravenous wolf. And keep proactively filling the basket with more eggs. Stay lifted, Lucky Lefty If you haven’t […]
Back to FFT Blog #117 A FATHER’S FOOTPRINTS The magnitude of the father/son relationship shapes our family legacy. In all aspects, I hope every dad’s ceiling can be their son’s floor and that as men, we realize the primrose path is not the best example. It reminds me of a text I received that had […]
Back to FFT Blog #116 BREAKING NEWS Marketing can break or enhance an industry, entertainer, corporation, religion, etc… Ultimately, it controls the way most view a concept of a person, place, entity or thing and it can shift power from one to the next, unexpectedly and rapidly. Due to this behemoth, we have become more politically correct […]
Back to FFT Blog #115 VIEWPOINT In a moment in our past, someone influenced a particular thing about ourselves that made us lack self-assurance. It could have been something about our height, weight, IQ, speech pattern, speed, athleticism or (lack of), etc… More so than not, those negative points of view should actually be used […]
Back to FFT Blog #114 DESTINATION HAPPYVILLE Yesterday, I was scrolling through the net looking for a city or town named Happyville. Unbeknownst to me, a group called G.B.H. was what consistently popped up. They had a song that was released in ’99, but the municipality I could not locate. In time, maybe Happyville will […]
Back to FFT Blog #113 FOOTLOOSE You put your one foot in, you put your one foot out, you put your one foot in and you shake it all about… You know the rest. We all know the tune. Each leg eventually goes through the song and you move your legs in and […]
Back to FFT Blog #112 SELF LOVE “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” or “love thy neighbor as thyself…” I am one hundred percent in agreement with both statements, however, I do believe an additional line of thinking should be attached. “Love thyself like we love our kids, community, family, […]
Back to FFT Blog #111 CHILD-LIKE Children teach us so much… Wearing the same uniform doesn’t make us teammates. Trust me, I have been on some teams that lacked fundamental harmony. Those squads erupted with rivalries, jealousy, envy and resentment, leaving the atmosphere arduous at best. And although my vernacular pertains to […]
Back to FFT Blog #110 SEED SOWER Complaining and being selfish is part of life. However, with proper paradigm-shifting, we can turn negative into positive. One of the simplest forms of balancing opposing forces is to dismantle our narrow sentiment and engineer a top-down perspective. Data will be revealed from a macro view, exposing […]