If the trainer does not perform their finest… the player does not amplify their skills.  Injuries, fatigue, and the need for accuracy has set everyone back.


If the photographer does not have a keen eye and seek pinpoint angles to freeze time… the moment has been missed.  The player cannot recycle that movement in time.


If the speaker’s content doesn’t attach to the listener’s ears, mind and soul… the opportunity to enhance knowledge evaporates.  The message has been lost.  Words without meaning.

If the system for developing does not bridge time, ability, and comprehension…

 momentum halts and may become obsolete.  On to the next we go.


If the cook skips over a few ingredients and burns pieces of the entrée… someone eats less.  Never hired again.


In essence, it’s all art; poetry in motion.  Anything less than the best, robs the gift.

A rising tide, lifts all boats.” [JFK]


Stay lifted,

Lucky Lefty